Our Work
As Unitarian Universalists, we are guided by our Principles to faithfully seek justice in the world. Whether it be the honoring of the inherent worth and dignity of every person called for in our 1st Principle, the seeking of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations called for in our 2nd Principle, or the promoting the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all called for in our 6th Principle, we know these pillars of our faith lead us in our work to create a better world for all people and all of creation. We also know that, in our country, racial justice intersects with every other form of justice and must be at the forefront of any kind of liberative work.
New York Unitarian Universalist Justice strives to build UU power in New York State by working with partner organizations on key legislative issues to bring about rights and equity for all New Yorkers. Through rallies, events, letter writing campaigns, and more, we aim to create relationships between congregation members and our partner organizations. We seek to actively live into our UU faith through collaborative, intersectional work.

We recognize that the Earth and all its creations are affected by climate and environmental issues. In our climate justice work, we partner with organizations that center the needs of those most impacted by climate change and destructive governmental and corporate decisions. We work diligently to encourage a just transition to clean energy, hold major polluters accountable, and seek funding for climate and environmental projects. We do these things with our 7th Principle in mind: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

We believe housing is a human right. All New Yorkers, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, financial status, or immigration status should be able to obtain safe housing. These are some of the reasons we support measures such as Good Cause Eviction (landlords must have actual good cause to evict or not renew a lease), Housing Access Voucher Program (rental subsidy program for low-income families and individuals who are facing eviction, currently homeless, or facing loss of housing due to domestic violence or hazardous living conditions), Tenant’s Opportunity to Purchase (tenants are given the first option to purchase their building if the landlord seeks to sell it), and more.
We know our current criminal justice system is detrimental to so many, particularly those with marginalized identities. In order to have a truly justice system, we must address structural issues such as police brutality, over-criminalization, immigration reform, and mass incarceration. In the past, we supported the successful enactment of the Humane Alternatives to Solitary Confinement Act to end long term solitary confinement in New York prisons and jails. Today, we are working on issues such as clemency, Fair and Timely Parole (ensuring parole-eligible people are reviewed in a timely manner based on who they are today) and Elder Parole (giving incarcerated people aged 55 and older who have already served 15 or more years an opportunity for parole release consideration).

We recognize the importance of people being able to make choices that allow them to die with dignity. In 1988, the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly affirmed “The Right to Die with Dignity” calling on UUs to support “legislation that will create legal protection for the right to die with dignity, in accordance with one’s own choice.” Unitarian Universalists also drafted Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act, which has been in effect for more than 20 years without a single instance of abuse or coercion.
The Medical Aid in Dying Act would give terminally ill, mentally capable adults with a prognosis of 6 months or fewer to live the choice to request, obtain, and take medication to die peacefully in their sleep. If passed, New York would become the 11th state to authorize this.